Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Train is the Place to Be

Yes, it is true that we ride the trains because we want to get to certain places. But for some of us, the train is the place we want to be. Library, dance club, beauty salon. For her, the train is a daycare. “I can’t wait to get you home to your mothers!” she says to the three loudly jabbering girls around her. “Sit in your seats and be silent.”

They both hold the most recent edition of the St. Louis Post Dispatch in front of their faces so they can't see us, and we can't see them.

For him, the train is a mobile gym. He does pull ups on the bars that most of us use just to keep our balance. One, two, three...he could keep going forever if he wanted.

Image courtesy of Biz-Architect.com

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